Course Overview:
This Python development course aims to provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of Python programming. It covers everything from the basics of Python syntax to advanced topics like web development, data analysis, and machine learning. The course will provide hands-on experience with coding exercises and real-world projects to help learners develop practical skills.
Course Outline:
Module 1: Introduction to Python
- Lesson 1.1: Introduction to Python programming language
- History and evolution of Python
- Why Python is popular and its uses
- Lesson 1.2: Setting up Python environment
- Installing Python and setting up an IDE (e.g., PyCharm, VS Code)
- Introduction to Python REPL and virtual environments
- Lesson 1.3: Basic Python syntax
- Data types: Strings, Integers, Floats, Booleans
- Variables and Constants
- Basic input/output operations
- Comments and documentation in Python
Module 2: Control Structures and Functions
- Lesson 2.1: Conditional statements
- if, elif, else statements
- Logical operators (and, or, not)
- Lesson 2.2: Loops
- for loops
- while loops
- Loop control: break, continue, pass
- Lesson 2.3: Functions
- Defining functions
- Function arguments and return values
- Scope and lifetime of variables
- Lambda functions
Module 3: Data Structures
- Lesson 3.1: Lists and Tuples
- Creating, accessing, and modifying lists
- List methods and built-in functions
- Tuples and their uses
- Lesson 3.2: Dictionaries and Sets
- Creating dictionaries and sets
- Accessing and modifying data in dictionaries and sets
- Set operations and methods
- Lesson 3.3: List comprehensions and generator expressions
Module 4: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Lesson 4.1: Introduction to OOP
- Classes and objects
- Methods and attributes
- Constructors (init) and destructors (del)
- Lesson 4.2: Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Inheriting from parent classes
- Overriding methods
- Method overloading and dynamic polymorphism
- Lesson 4.3: Encapsulation and Abstraction
- Access modifiers (public, private, protected)
- Abstract classes and interfaces
Module 5: Error Handling and File I/O
- Lesson 5.1: Exception handling
- try, except, else, and finally blocks
- Raising exceptions and custom exceptions
- Lesson 5.2: File handling
- Reading and writing files
- File modes and operations
- Working with file paths
Module 6: Advanced Python Topics
- Lesson 6.1: Decorators and Iterators
- Function decorators
- Class-based iterators
- Lesson 6.2: Regular Expressions
- Introduction to regular expressions
- Basic patterns and matching
- Working with re module
- Lesson 6.3: Multithreading and Multiprocessing
- Introduction to threads and processes
- Working with the threading and multiprocessing libraries
- Synchronization and thread safety
Module 7: Web Development with Python
- Lesson 7.1: Introduction to Web Development
- Introduction to Flask or Django framework
- Setting up a web development environment
- Lesson 7.2: Creating a simple web application
- Routing and view functions
- Templates and rendering HTML
- Handling user input through forms
- Lesson 7.3: Databases and Python
- Working with SQLite or MySQL databases
- CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
- Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)
Module 8: Data Science and Machine Learning with Python
- Lesson 8.1: Introduction to Data Science
- Python libraries: NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib
- Data preprocessing and visualization
- Lesson 8.2: Introduction to Machine Learning
- Understanding algorithms (e.g., Linear Regression, Classification)
- Working with Scikit-learn library
- Model evaluation and validation
Module 9: Final Project and Capstone
- Lesson 9.1: Working on a Real-world Project
- Designing and developing a full-fledged Python application
- Implementing learned skills into a project (e.g., web app, data analysis, etc.)
- Lesson 9.2: Debugging and Optimization
- Troubleshooting common errors
- Code optimization techniques
Conclusion and Certification:
- Lesson 10.1: Final Review and Q&A
- Lesson 10.2: Certification Exam and Final Assessment