Course Overview:
This course is designed to take you from beginner to advanced in PHP and Laravel, equipping you with the skills to develop powerful, scalable, and secure web applications. You’ll learn PHP fundamentals, object-oriented programming (OOP), MySQL database integration, and then dive deep into Laravel, the most popular PHP framework for building modern web applications.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to build dynamic websites, RESTful APIs, e-commerce platforms, and enterprise-level web applications using PHP and Laravel.
Course Outline:
Module 1: Introduction to PHP
- What is PHP? Understanding Server-Side Development
- Setting Up a Local Server (XAMPP, MAMP, LAMP)
- Writing Your First PHP Script
- Understanding PHP Syntax and Basic Functions
Module 2: PHP Fundamentals
- Variables, Data Types, and Operators
- Control Structures (Loops, Conditionals)
- Functions & Reusable Code
- Superglobals ($_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, $_COOKIE)
Module 3: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in PHP
- Classes, Objects, and Methods
- Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism
- Namespaces & Autoloading
- Error Handling & Debugging
Module 4: Working with Databases (MySQL & PHPMyAdmin)
- Introduction to MySQL Databases
- Connecting PHP to MySQL
- CRUD Operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
- Using PDO for Secure Database Interaction
Laravel Framework – Building Modern PHP Applications
Module 5: Introduction to Laravel
- What is Laravel? Why Use It?
- Setting Up a Laravel Project
- Understanding Laravel MVC (Model-View-Controller) Architecture
- Artisan Console & Laravel Debugging Tools
Module 6: Routing & Middleware
- Defining Routes & Route Groups
- Middleware for Authentication & Security
- Route Parameters & Named Routes
Module 7: Blade Templating Engine
- Introduction to Blade
- Creating Dynamic Views
- Using Blade Components & Directives
- Layouts and Master Templates
Module 8: Database Management with Eloquent ORM
- Understanding Eloquent ORM
- Defining Models & Relationships (One-to-One, One-to-Many, Many-to-Many)
- Database Migrations & Seeders
- Query Scopes & Accessors
Module 9: Authentication & Authorization
- User Authentication with Laravel Breeze/Sanctum
- Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
- Password Hashing & Reset Features
Module 10: Working with APIs & Ajax
- Creating RESTful APIs with Laravel
- Consuming APIs with Axios & Fetch
- Integrating Frontend & Backend with AJAX
Module 11: Advanced Features & Optimization
- Queues & Job Scheduling
- File Uploads & Image Processing
- Laravel Security Best Practices
- Performance Optimization (Caching, Lazy Loading)
Real-World Projects & Deployment
Module 12: Building a Complete Laravel Application
- Creating a CMS, E-commerce, or CRM System
- Implementing Payment Gateways (Stripe, PayPal)
- Integrating Third-Party APIs
Module 13: Deploying Laravel Applications
- Deploying on Shared Hosting & VPS
- Using Laravel Forge & Envoyer
- CI/CD Integration for Automated Deployment
Who Is This Course For?
Beginners who want to master PHP & Laravel
Developers looking to switch to Laravel for scalable applications
Freelancers & Entrepreneurs who want to build custom web applications
Businesses & Startups aiming to develop in-house solutions
Tools & Technologies Covered:
- Languages & Frameworks: PHP, Laravel, JavaScript
- Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL
- Version Control: Git, GitHub
- Deployment: Laravel Forge, AWS, DigitalOcean, cPanel